When we said a Block Island Striped Bass fishing charter is as much fun for a family with children as it is for a group of guys, we weren’t kidding! On this particular deep sea striper charter we were out on the Block Island sound in the fishing boat with our light tackle trolling our frames with tubes.  And yes, we were again hooking into some serious striped bass. Our young angler had the fishing experience of a lifetime bringing up a monster striped bass!

a rhode island striped bass charter is for kids too R1

By the way the tip of the rod was bent over, pointing toward the water we could tell the fish was huge. Our angler could barely hold the rod up and crank the reel at times. The situation therefore required help! It certainly was a team effort helping him land his striper.  What a way to catch a striped bass! And don’t forget those fishing pictures!

We have families come out on the Aces Wild on a regular basis for a Block Island fishing charter. Whether we head out on a Striped Bass and bluefish charter or a flounder charter, everyone has a great time bringing in their catch!  By the way, Aces Wild has you taken care of; rod, reel, tackle, bait, and even cleaning the fish!

a rhode island striped bass charter is for kids too R2

Back to the fishing.

Fishing trips where take the charter boat and go fluke fishing, or bottom fishing for black sea bass, the fish are a little more manageable from a fish fighting perspective.  Place the bait on the hook.  Feel a fish tugging at the line, then bring it on in.  Sure there’s much more to it from the captain and first mates perspective; tide strength, weight of sinker, type and amount of bait, etc.  Summer Flounder fishing in Rhode Island has it’s own unique set of circumstances, however, Aces Wild is on top of it!

Stripers and bluefish, on the other hand, are a whole different story of sport fishing! Striper fishing where you are trolling 300′ of steel line with a tube and frame rig on the end is where the big Rhode Island saltwater fishing is really happening.  No more waiting for a little tug on the line.  In this case, you wait to see the tip of the rod take a nosedive toward the water!  THAT’S when you know you have something big on.

Once you take a seat in that fighting chair to bring in the fish, you will quickly figure out of you have a monster striper on.  The bend in the rod and the difficulty cranking the reel is a quick indicator!  We can also tell by the depth of the fish.  The monster striped bass tend to stay deep until the very end of the fight.

Deep sea fishing striped bass in Rhode Island is crazy exciting and the fishing this season is awesome!

So you wanna go fluke fishing?  Interested in a Rhode Island fishing charter?  At the Aces Wild we do our best to ensure everyone catches fish.

Most of all, we want you to have a great time.